Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Paralyzed vs. Action

Do you ever feel paralyzed?

Sometimes, as a person who truly believes that every child deserves a loving family, the numbers can be staggering, shocking, even paralyzing. 

Because, according to my statistics via google search, there are an estimated 132 million orphans worldwide.  Maybe that would look more daunting if I included the zeros-

1 3 2, 0 0 0, 0 0 0
Sean and I joke, that if we win the lottery, we could make a bigger difference.  But the reality is, even the lottery wouldn't take away a single zero from that number.  So you begin to feel like what is the purpose.  Why care for one, (or two), when you know that even as you care for that one, another one is having his finger eaten to the bone by rats as he sleeps in the night -
(As my good friend Linny posted about today.  They have an orphanage in Uganda.) 

That is impossible for me to comprehend.  A world where little ones are not safe in the night from nasty rodents who literally eat them while they sleep?  That is horrifying.

So, I get discouraged.  What am I doing? What am I doing that really makes a difference?  I open up my fridge, I turn on my faucet to clean water, I have warmth and shelter and clothes and luxuries that are completely unimaginable to a good percentage of the world. 

& I think in my heart I will always want to do more.


Proverbs 24:12 tells us that "Once our eyes are opened we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows we know and holds us responsible to act."
Yes, we are called to act, but there are just. so. many. ...

and then,

I am encouraged by this verse.

Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.   Mark 9:37

I'm thankful for this reminder.  God knows we are human.  He calls us to the one.  He calls us to do what we can for the one.  To care for them and love them.

And it is effective, and it is worth it.

So welcome the one! 
We are excited to welcome our two in just 10 days!
And just as I was writing this post I read some amazing news about a little one in China.  This news has made my whole day absolutely happy! 

Over a year ago Sean and I fasted and prayed for a little girl name Maya in an orphanage in China.  She was one of the "ones" that God called us to care for.  At less than 6 months old and only 10 pounds, through a miraculous chain of events, Maya was found to have a 2 pound cancerous tumor.    2 pounds of this 10 pound baby, was made up of cancer cells.
She also had cleft lip and palate and pneumonia...

But she always had these gorgeous smiles in her pictures,

And despite the chemo... her hair just kept growing! 

Seriously, I love this little girl.  Her personality shines through all her pictures.

Maya became special to me and I prayed and checked up on her often. 

So, why care for the one?

Because recently....sweet little Maya....

Took her first steps.

AND, she has been found CANCER FREE!

So pray for the one!

James 5:16 ..
pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

If you need your daily does of cute Chinese babies...
*and to see a pic of Maya's first steps